The importance of upholding intellectual property rights in Africa
Intellectual property rights (IPRs) stand as powerful instruments that can shape a nation’s innovation landscape, technology transfer capabilities, and overall economic prosperity. While debates regarding patent systems are common in developed countries, the discourse in developing nations, like South Africa, often remains limited. Read on to learn more about the importance of intellectual property rights in the agricultural sector.

Agriculture: the engine of African development
Agriculture is the linchpin for African development, employing over half of the continent’s workforce and contributing significantly to its GDP. Promoting agriculture and ensuring food security are vital components of both the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063. This necessitates doubling agricultural productivity, adopting sustainable practices, and preserving genetic diversity.
Africa holds about 60% of the world’s arable land, and the agricultural sector provides employment for 54% of the population, most of which is conducted on a small scale. This sector accounts for approximately 14% of the GDP in sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore, nurturing African agriculture is pivotal for achieving sustainable development goals and the continental agenda.
The importance of intellectual property rights as a catalyst for socioeconomic development
Trade secrets play a critical role in protecting confidential information, particularly in the breeding of hybrid plant varieties. This form of protection is essential for industries reliant on safeguarding proprietary knowledge.
IPRs are key drivers of science, technology, and innovation, essential for achieving the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the African Union’s Agenda 2063. It’s important to note that the effectiveness of IP for development is contingent on how laws, policies, and practices are designed and implemented in individual countries.
Upholding intellectual property rights and geographical indications
For Southern African stakeholders, it’s important to safeguard intellectual property rights and strengthen protections for geographical indications. Collaborative efforts with regional and global institutions are essential in achieving this goal.
Recent emphasis on intellectual property in African development programs, particularly in plant variety protection (PVP), bears significant implications for food security and accessibility. However, the discourse has predominantly focused on international institutions like the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), with minimal attention paid to the pivotal role of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Yet WIPO’s influence on African agricultural innovation is substantial, given its close collaboration with various economic and political entities on the continent.
Tailoring IP protection to local needs
African nations possess unique social, industrial, and commercial requirements. Policymakers must consider two models of research and development: one driven by multinational corporations and the other by local, small-scale farmers. The latter approach, supported by the public sector, emphasises the collective use of traditional knowledge and genetic resources for sustainable agriculture.
IPR policies pertaining to patents, geographical indications, traditional knowledge, genetic resources, and new plant variety protection should be tailored to each country’s unique research and development landscape, as well as their vision for agricultural progress.

The role of new technologies in agricultural development
The rapid evolution of technology necessitates ongoing adaptation of IP protection mechanisms. This includes addressing issues related to biotechnology, computer software, and information protection in the digital era.
The integration of digital technologies in agriculture introduces considerations of copyright protection for software applications. However, marketing new agricultural technologies to smallholder subsistence farmers presents challenges, given infrastructural limitations and traditional practices deeply rooted in local cultures.
The rising significance of IPR in developing countries’ agricultural sectors
Although IPRs still do not appear as a top policy priority for developing countries, they have become more relevant in the agricultural sector. This pattern is reflected in an increasing global demand for IPR protection. Intellectual property rights, particularly in agriculture, are emerging as pivotal drivers of economic activity in developing countries. Their influence extends beyond economic gains, impacting the lives of millions of low-income farmers by shaping the trajectory of technological advancements. As the global demand for IPR protection continues to rise, it is imperative for Southern African nations to craft robust policies that safeguard their intellectual property and drive sustainable agricultural development.
Need assistance with IPR and plant variety protection?
At RegenZ, we foster long-term partnerships with leading plant breeders from around the world, helping to maximise the potential of their varieties in Southern Africa.
Our comprehensive plant variety protection service includes:
- Representation: Ensuring that our clients’ breeds are represented to the highest standards in Southern African markets.
- Growing: Working closely with Southern Africa’s finest seed growers to uphold the highest quality standards.
- Commercialising: Actively providing market development and marketing to ensure healthy demand for the new varieties we introduce.
Get in touch to schedule a free consultation.
Check out RegenZ’s package for smallholder farmers.