Representing Plant Breeders’ Rights in South Africa
We help businesses and breeders protect new plant varieties in Southern Africa.
Protect your Intellectual Property and Profits
Plant variety registration is critical for adequate protection when new plant varieties are introduced. New varieties of plants cannot be protected by a patent, so they must be protected by a plant breeders’ right, which is a form of intellectual property (IP) right.

RegenZ are Specialists in Plant Breeders’ Rights
Since 1992, the RegenZ team has developed significant expertise in the representation of plant breeders’ rights, plant variety listings and innovative agricultural technology.
We tailor enduring and valuable partnerships with leading plant breeders from around the world to maximise the potential of their plant varieties in Southern Africa.
Plant breeder’s rights comprehensive guide.
According to the Plant Breeders’ Rights Act of South Africa, foreign breeders may only apply for plant breeders’ rights in South Africa through an agent.
Our Services
By representing your plant breeders’ rights in South Africa, we help your new varieties reach new markets. With a network and relationships spanning the Southern African agricultural sector, we manage the entire process, from import to seed growing to commercial growing and marketing.
When it comes to growing, we have access to the intellectual property that informs the ideal growing conditions. Using Zylem’s product range and complementary products, we help farmers create optimal conditions for each specific variety.

We act in the best interests of our principals and ensure that their breeds are represented to the highest standards in Southern African markets.

We identify and work closely with the finest commercial growers in Southern Africa to uphold the highest standards of quality.

We actively provide market development and marketing expertise to ensure healthy demand for the new varieties we introduce on behalf of our principals to help them maximise their reach.

Our Current PBR Clients
We represent the rights of Stet Holland and Plantera, potato breeders based in the Netherlands. Their scientists breed potato varieties that are robust and suited to specific climates and uses.
We ensure that their plant breeders’ rights are upheld in South Africa and manage the import and quarantine process. We connect the imported seed potatoes to local seed potato growers as well as commercial potato farmers. For every seed we sell, these companies are paid a royalty for the use of their variety.
The South African agriculture market
is projected to register a
CAGR of 4.2%
during the forecast period of 2021-2026
Let us help you bring your variety to Southern Africa
Frequently Asked Questions
Who should apply for plant breeders’ rights?
Any person intending to undertake:
- Production or reproduction of the protected variety
- Conditioning for propagation of the protected variety
- Sale or marketing of the protected variety
- Export of the protected variety
- Import of the protected variety
- Stocking of the protected variety
What requirements must be met to get plant breeders’ rights in South Africa?
- The plant must be on the plant breeders’ rights list of plants
- The plant variety must be new, distinct, uniform and stable
- The applicant must have the right to apply